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Wari Chora - A Symphony of Adventure and Tranquility: 2 Nights, 3 Days of Boundless Discovery!


Day 1: Guwahati to Siju - The Prelude to Serenity

As we pick you up from vibrant Guwahati, the journey begins. Arriving at Siju, the enchanting Sightseeing of Simsang River captivates the soul. A mesmerizing dinner awaits under the vast canvas of stars, promising dreams woven with the melody of nature.

  • Pickup from Guwahati
  • Arrival at Siju
  • Sightseeing of Simsang River
  • Dinner and overnight Stay at Siju


Day 2: Embrace the Essence of Wari Chora

With the first light, we embark on a quest to Jadesil Fish Sanctuary. The Wari Chora off-road trail beckons, an adventure etched in every bump and turn. Glide over the serene waters of Wari Chora, where every ripple narrates tales of timeless beauty. Lunch at Emangre and a journey through Aginma Wari Fish Sanctuary add splendor to our day. As the night descends, Siju embraces us with its warmth.

  • Early Morning breakfast and proceed To Jadesil Fish Sanctuary
  • Drive To Wari Chora off-road trail
  • Boating At Wari Chora
  • Lunch at Emangre
  • Sightseeing Aginma Wari Fish Sanctuary
  • Dinner and overnight stay at Siju


Day 3: Farewell to Wari Chora's Embrace

With dawn's gentle caress, we bid adieu. Breakfast amid nature's marvels and a final glimpse of Siju Cave & Rongchang Rock formations complete our journey. A drop back to Guwahati, our hearts filled with memories, marking the end of a transformative adventure.

  • Early morning Breakfast and checkout
  • Sightseeing of Siju Cave & Rongchang Rock Formation
  • Drop to Guwahati


Wari Chora - The Tapestry of Adventures and Beauty Unveiled:

Wari Chora, the haven of seven giant serpents, is more than a destination; it's a poetic dance of adventure and tranquility.


Adventures that Echo:

  • Off-Road Symphony: Conquer rugged terrains on the way to the hidden gem, Wari Chora.
  • Boating Ballet: Glide on the crystal-clear waters, where each ripple whispers secrets of nature.
  • Fish Sanctuary Symphony: Immerse in the aquatic wonderland of Jadesil and Aginma Wari.


Why Wari Chora is a Young Heart's Haven:

Wari Chora isn't just a location; it's a vibrant experience that echoes with the spirit of youth. The off-road thrills, the tranquil boating, and the starlit serenity all weave an escape from the ordinary, making it a haven for the young at heart.


Visit Wari Chora for:

  • Untamed Nature: A sanctuary where the untamed beauty reigns supreme.
  • Adventure's Embrace: Off-road trails and boating escapades await the bold.
  • Serene Nights: Surrender to starlit serenity, far from city lights.
  • Hidden Marvels: Dive into the secrets of aquatic wonders in fish sanctuaries.


Embark on an exhilarating journey with Offbeat Treks through our Wari Chora Adventure Package! Immerse yourself in the mystical landscapes and vibrant culture of this offbeat gem. From the off-road trails to the serene waters of Wari Chora, every moment promises an adrenaline rush. Our carefully curated package, encompassing accommodation, activities, and more, ensures a seamless and unforgettable experience. For backpackers seeking authenticity and thrills, Offbeat Treks is your trusted companion, offering not just a tour but a transformative adventure. Book now and let the untamed beauty of Wari Chora captivate your soul!


Join us in Discovering Wari Chora - A Symphony Where Adventure Meets Serenity


Check out our post on: "The Camping Checklist: Things to Carry on Your Wilderness"

Wari Chora Adventure Package

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